Roughneck Mag

Scientific Drilling – HSE Commitment

Scientific Drilling Inc. (SDI), based in Houston, TX specializes in wellbore placement and productivity, and its workforce of 1,500 to 2,000 employees consistently delivers a 12-month rolling average of 0.12% incidents for every 200 thousand person-hours worked.  That’s an exceptional safety record and it’s a major reason by operators hire the company.
Rod Brown, SDI’s HSE director, reports that safety is the company’s first core value.  “Safety – we live it,” he says, “is more than a mantra or campaign slogan, it’s a purposeful declaration of the importance SDI places on the wellbeing of our employees, contract workers, and visitors.  We believe that there is no job so important, nor timetable so critical, that we will sacrifice the safety of our workforce.”
Brown’s priority, when he joined SDI in 2014, was to develop a robust safety management system to address operational risk and serve as the foundation for the company’s HSE programs and processes.  After months of planning, Brown and his team introduced Target 10 safety management system in February 2015.  The idea was straightforward, “build a world-class safety culture by simplifying and clearly communicating expectations and encouraging ‘active’ employee participation in the prevention of incidents,” Brown reports.
Target 10 is a system comprised of ten focus areas, known as targets.  “These targets and their associated expectations (commitments) empower our employees to take control of their personal safety as well as, the safety of their colleagues,” Brown states.  He adds, “All commitments are easily integrated into daily work activities and serve to focus employee attention on the most critical aspects of incident prevention.”  Commitments include action phrases such as, ‘I will pause before starting each task and perform a personal risk assessment’ and ‘I will intervene when I observe an unsafe behavior.’
By the end of 2016, Brown indicates SDI’s Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) had significantly trended downward.  “Because of Target 10 and dedicated leadership from our management teams around the world, SDI achieved 10 consecutive months without a recordable incident and ultimately posted a 0.12 TRIR last year.  Everyone took great pride in this accomplishment as it was truly a team effort.”

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