Roughneck Mag


A Soldier Died Today

A Soldier Died Today

A Soldier Died Today by A. Lawrence Vaincourt (Canadian Poet who died 2009) He was getting old and paunchy And his hair was falling fast And he sat around the legion Telling stories of the past Of a war that he once fought in And the deeds that he had done In his exploits with…


Noyes Engineering Celebrates 50 Safe Years Drilling + Operating for Small Producers = 0 LTA

“The desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise.” Publius Cornelius Tacitus (circa 56 – 120 A.D.), Italian citizen, British governor, Roman senator, and noted historian of the Roman Empire. Tacitus had safety figured out.  He believed that Roman ingenuity worked hard to keep and protect its inhabitants from natural disasters – floods,…

Can Frackers Persuade Canadians its Technological Advances are Green?

Can Frackers Persuade Canadians its Technological Advances are Green?

By Heather Douglas “Hydraulic fracturing has become an incredibly controversial method of extracting oil and natural gas in Canada and around the world.  Since this technology burst onto the national consciousness, hundreds of polls have been taken globally, each one showing a sharp divide between supporters and naysayers.”  Mattie Prodanovic, Behind Public Opinion:  What Makes…