Roughneck Mag


A Politicized Oil Industry

A Politicized Oil Industry

With the oil industry becoming more politicized every day, engaging with governments and the public to promote the importance and legitimacy of Canada’s massive oilfield service industry has never been more important. Pipelines. Carbon taxes. Renewables. Climate change. Read our article on this topic in the latest edition of #TheRoughneckMag. #Oilfield #OilIndustry #CDNOil #Energy #Roughneck…


BC’s Assessment of Tight Resources

BC’s Assessment of Tight Resources The BC Department of Natural Resources reports its section of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin is predominantly natural gas and unconventional production. “It is now the province’s most important resource and most comes from the Horn River and the Montney basins.” The Horn River Basin encompasses 1 145 989 hectares…


SAAB Seaeye Predicts an All-Electric Future

SAAB Seaeye Predicts an All-Electric Future Electronic robotic systems will perform all tasks in the underwater domain, including those now undertaken by hydraulic systems, says Saab Seaeye, a British firm regarded as one of the world’s leading underwater e-robotics company, with the most advanced range of tethered, autonomous, and hybrid robotic systems. It forsees a…