Roughneck Mag

BC’s Assessment of Tight Resources

BC’s Assessment of Tight Resources

The BC Department of Natural Resources reports its section of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin is predominantly natural gas and unconventional production. “It is now the province’s most important resource and most comes from the Horn River and the Montney basins.”
The Horn River Basin encompasses 1 145 989 hectares and shale gas is produced from the Muskwa, Otter Park, and Evie formations with net pay ranging from 140 to 280 metres. The porosity ranges from three to six per cent. Most of the production comes from horizontal drilling at average depths of 1 900 to 3 100 metres. The Department estimates it contains 448 Tcf (trillion cubic feet) of tight gas with approximately 78 Tcf marketable.
The Montney Basin encompasses 2.6 million hectares and the shale gas is produced from the Montney and Doig Phosphate formation with net pay ranging from 30 to 300 metres. The porosity ranges from two to nine per cent. Most of the production comes from horizontal drilling at average depths of 1 400 to 3 900 metres. The resource potential is estimated at 1, 965 Tcf with 271 Tcf marketable.

#Resources #BritishColumbia #HornRiver #Montney #NaturalGas