Roughneck Mag

All posts by Roughneck Staff


Schlumberger Touts Method to ‘Abandon Your Well with Confidence Using Single-Trip Plug’

Schlumberger announced recently it had invented a comprehensive single-trip and abandonment system which enables an operator to save significant dollars in its abandonment milling, cutting, and retrieving operating costs. It also cuts the required trips by about 50 per cent and reduces the number of days required for plugging-and-abandonment (P&A) operations. This “all-inclusive system” is…


Shell Rescinds Plans for Prince Rupert LNG

In mid-March, 2017 Royal Dutch Shell announced it had abandoned its plan to construct a liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility in Prince Rupert, BC. The project, located at the south of Ridley Island, was one the company had received when it purchased BG Group in 2016. The good news is Shell reconfirmed its commitment to…


CNRL Signs Blockbuster Deal & Acquires AOSP et al

In what is rumoured to be a “helluva deal” for Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL) (TSX:CNQ), the company announced it had acquired 70 per cent of the Athabasca Oil Sands Project (AOSP), 70 per cent of the Scotford upgrader, and other oil sands properties from Shell Canada Limited. Insiders believe Shell was out-negotiated, out-maneuvered, and…

A Rose by Any Other Name…

A Rose by Any Other Name…

By Maurice Walch Shakespeare knew what he was talking about. What matters is what something is, not what it is called. Some national columnists and assorted marketing organizations have heralded the introduction of exchange traded funds (ETF’s) as the “cure all” for the small investor to save them from the demon called the “Mutual Fund.”…

Hackers Perfecting Attack Methodology to Replicate Against Power Grids + Energy Assets:Midstream at Risk

Hackers Perfecting Attack Methodology to Replicate Against Power Grids + Energy Assets:Midstream at Risk

By Heather Douglas Another month, another Russian hacker attack on an electricity control centre in Kiev, Ukraine, which plunged parts of the city into total darkness.  Some experts suggest these attacks are trial balloons so the hackers can perfect their attack methodology on critical infrastructure and then it can be replicated across the world on…