Roughneck Mag

All posts by Roughneck Staff

Funding Your Buy Sell Agreement

Funding Your Buy Sell Agreement

By Maurice Walch Typically, when there are a number of shareholders in a company, if a partner/shareholder leaves, the remaining shareholders will buy out the departing partner’s interest. Effectively, each partner has a potential unfunded liability as they will need to come up with the cash for their portion of the buyout. Alternatively, the company…

Canadian Mining Industry Faces Key Issues
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Canadian Mining Industry Faces Key Issues

By Heather Douglas The mining industry, like the energy sector, is coming out of a recent commodities downturn, yet still continues to help underwrite Canada’s economic strength. Employing more than 373,000 full-time workers across the country, miners participate in mineral extraction, smelting, fabrication, and manufacturing. Another 190,000 Canadians are indirectly employed. According to Statistics Canada,…