Roughneck Mag

All posts by Roughneck Staff

Stealth Intelligence on Refracking the Bakken
What's New

Stealth Intelligence on Refracking the Bakken

By Heather Douglas “Planning a refrack can often feel like being in a black box. There is little published information about refrack best practices and techniques, and even finding the locations of these wells can mean multiple searches. How can companies that are interested in refracks find the information it needs to achieve successful results?”…

Why (All) Politicians Act As They Do

Why (All) Politicians Act As They Do

By Scott Jeffrey At the beginning of their careers, most politicians are fired with an almost religious zeal when it comes to serving the public. Even the lawyers, who make up an alarmingly disproportionate percentage of all politicians, originally enter politics with the desire to serve the common good. Sure, they’re self-centred, narcissistic, attention-seeking power…

BriefsWhat's New

Propane News

MaXfield Group Acquired by TerraVest Capital Inc. On February 5, 2018 TerraVest Capital Inc. acquired all issued and outstanding shares of MaXfield Group Inc., a Calgary-based manufacturer of processing, storage, and transportation equipment for propane, anhydrous ammonia, and oil and gas markets. The acquisition cost $21.0 MM and is subject to a working capital adjustment….


Canadian Producers News Roundup

Acceleware Ltd. won a $10.0 MM non-repayable grant to do commercial-scale testing of its clean energy technology for bitumen and heavy oil extraction. Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd. announced its 2018 capital expenditure budget will be $175.0 MM. AltaCorp and ATB announced a ‘deepening strategic relationship’ as the banker becomes the company’s largest shareholder. AltaGas…